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Long-Form Intake
Are you owed money? *
I am a: *
How many people work for this employer in California?
What's the annual rate of pay for this job?
What's the annual rate of pay for this job?
How are you paid? (Check all that apply)
How were you paid? (Check all that apply)
Is the employer a government agency?
Are you paid overtime if you work more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week?
Were you paid overtime if you work more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week?
Are you provided all meal periods and rest breaks required by law?
Were you provided all meal periods and rest breaks required by law?
Are you part of a union?
Were you part of a union?

Work Lawyers PCJanuary 3, 2021October 28, 2021